Dear Dockcharged community,
First, let's take a moment to recap what makes Dockcharged unique: our system charges at Level 2 speeds but requires no dedicated parking spot, no expensive installation of 220V, and just needs a standard 110V wall outlet. We use batteries and smart software to harvest and store energy while you're away, then rapidly charge your car when you return.
After finalizing the design, we moved on to the actual build. This process involved creating a life-like rendering of the beta version, ensuring every detail was perfect before moving on to the next step.
Once the pieces were in place, we successfully charged a Nissan Leaf using Dockcharged, proving our concept and demonstrating the effectiveness of our solution. We think we can make them even smaller after building the first unit.
Now, let's dive into our current progress:
Electronics and battery assembly for the first unit
In Progress:
Assembling the second unit (waiting on parts)
Rewriting software (almost done, expecting completion within a month)
Next Steps:
Durability testing of software and hardware
Building 10 additional units (prioritizing summer interviewees)
About the Beta Test: For one month, we'll provide our beta testers with Dockcharged units. Each week, we'll send a short survey to gather your thoughts. At the end of the month, we'll ask for a more in-depth survey. If you don't find Dockcharged valuable, we'll take it back, no questions asked. If you love it, you can continue using it for a low monthly rate (to be determined). This will help us truly gauge the value of our product.